Relevance 2024 Series with Paul Young and Bradley Jersak
Sponsored by The Wm. Paul Young Initiative (WPYI)
Two evenings with best-selling author William Paul Young (author of the Shack, Eden, and Crossroads) & Bradley Jersak, PhD (President of St Stephens University, best-selling author, theologian, professor)
Together, we'll dive into the relevant questions of our time. How do we heal our humanity and the divisions in our world? How does our image of God affect the way we see ourselves and others? How do we experience the love of God that heals our souls? What if the good news is better than we've thought?
Your curiosity and your authentic selves are welcome. We're honored to participate in your sacred journeys in a welcoming and loving place.
Evening One
Creating Brave Space for Healing Our Divides
Westwood First Presbyterian Church, Sunday, 11/3/2024, 7-8:30 pm
Evening Two
Healing Our Image of God
At Epiphany United Methodist Church, Monday, 11/04/2024, 7-8:30 pm
We're suggesting a donation of $25 per person per evening to contribute to the work of the WPYI.